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Combining React Router and Shopify App Bridge Navigation

In this article we will show you a quick way to navigate correctly inside your react embedded app using shopify app-bridge and polaris libraries.

The first thing to do is to link the react router Link component with shopify polaris Link. To do so, we pass an Adapter to our AppProvider component. Shopify anticipated this issue so you only have to pass the Adapter to the AppProvider component under the attribute linkComponent. Here is an example :

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import { AppProvider } from '@shopify/polaris'

function AdapterLink ({ url, }) {
  return <Link to={url} {} />


A history of wrap #

Here is how to use the app bridge history object to navigate inside your app.

Now what we want is to provide to the history the url given to our Route component.

Accessing the history object #

The doc does not tell us how to access the history from inside a react component. But it is actually possible to access it via React contexts if your component is between two AppProvider components by adding this :

static contextTypes = {
  polaris: PropTypes.object

now you can call the appBridge inside your class, like for example in the constuctor :

constructor(props,context) {
  super(props, context)
  const app = this.context.polaris.appBridge

Wrapper #

To combine both things we have to push the url of the Route inside the polaris history. So what we did is creating a wrapped component that does that every time he receives a new url :

import { History } from '@shopify/app-bridge/actions'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'

function withShopifyEmbeddedAppPushState (WrappedComponent) {
  return class extends React.Component {
    static contextTypes = {
      polaris: PropTypes.object

    componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
      const app = this.context.polaris.appBridge
      const history = History.create(app)
      history.dispatch(History.Action.PUSH, nextProps.computedMatch.url)

    render () {
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />

const ShopifyEmbeddedAppRoute = withShopifyEmbeddedAppPushState(Route)

Et voilà ! #

Here is what your rendering should like now :

             render={p => <ProductsContainer {...p} {...props} />}

Now if you place links inside your react app :

import { Link } from '@shopify/polaris'
<Link url='/products'>Subscription Products</Link>

it will call our wrapped component that will push the correct url inside shopify history ! You are now in the right page with the correct url 🕺